1608 |
First English reporter in the colonies, Captain John Smith, leader of the Jamestown settlement, publishes his newsletter Newes from Virginia |
1690 |
First American newspaper, Publick Occurrences, Both Foreign and Domestick, is published in Boston |
1721 |
The New England Courant, published by Ben Franklin’s older brother James, is first to offer readers literature in addition to news |
1727 |
First local correspondents report news from nearby communities, in the New England Weekly Journal |
1729 |
Ben Franklin makes the Pennsylvania Gazette
the best newspaper in the colonies, with the largest circulation, most
pages, highest income from advertising, and the most literary columns |
1750 |
Fourteen weekly newspapers are read in the six most populated colonies |
1768-1769 |
Patriot Samuel
Adams and the Sons of Liberty spread news items about the British to
newspapers through the “Journal of Occurrences” |
1769 |
Printing presses are made in America by Isaac Doolittle of Connecticut |
1776 |
The Boston paper the Massachusetts Spy supports the movement for independence and publishes an eyewitness account of the first battle of the American Revolution
Colonial newspapers reprint Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense, encouraging colonists to revolt against the British
Less than a month after its approval, more than 20 newspapers carry the full text of the Declaration of Independence, spreading word of the cause of freedom across the new United States |
1783 |
First daily newspaper, the Pennsylvania Evening Post, appears |
1791 |
First Amendment to the Constitution, protecting freedom of the press and other freedoms, is approved |
1795 |
Reporters allowed in both the House of Representatives and the Senate |
1800 |
Twenty-one newspapers are published in the new West, beyond the Appalachian Mountains |
1800-1830 |
Quarterly, monthly, and weekly magazines begin to appear |
1808 |
First Spanish-language paper, El Misisipí, published in New Orleans |
1811 |
Niles’ Weekly Register, first news magazine, appears |
1814 |
Congress says that at least two newspapers in each state and territory must print laws passed for the nation |
1827 |
Reporters from
three newspapers become the first Washington correspondents, beginning
continuous coverage of the Congress to this day |
1828 |
First Native American paper, the Cherokee Phoenix, appears, printed partly in English and partly in Cherokee |
1830s |
Pigeons and the pony express carry news from distant points |
1833 |
The New York Sun becomes the first “people’s” or “penny” paper, selling on the street for just one cent |
1835 |
The New York Herald introduces
new newspaper sections devoted to money, sports, society news, letters,
and reviews and publishes “extras” or special editions to cover
significant news |
1841 |
Horace Greeley’s New York Tribune offers readers views on many issues |
1851 |
The New York Times is founded |
1840s |
Railroads and steamships carry news items quickly and are used to distribute newspapers |
mid-1840s |
Telegraph used to convey news at a distance |
1849 |
Groups of
newspapers band together to support a news-gathering service that will
supply foreign news by ship and telegraph; the group later becomes the
Associated Press (AP) |
1856 |
First African-American daily, the New Orleans Daily Creole, is published |
1861-1865 |
Hundreds of photographers, including the well-known war photographer Mathew Brady, are issued passes to cover the Civil War
Reporters in the field develop the summary lead to make sure that the main point of their story gets through by telegraph
Papers begin to bulletin highlights of the war action as headlines |
1870-1900 |
Population of the United States doubles; city population triples; number of daily newspapers quadruples
Editorial staff at big-city daily newspapers grows and becomes more specialized, with an emphasis on reporting
More women work at newspapers, as correspondents, editors, and writers
Telephones and typewriters change the way work is done in the newsroom
Cables linking the United States to England and parts of Asia make news gathering faster
Newspaper publishing becomes a major business in the United States |
1870s-1880s |
New magazines treat readers to high-quality literature, humor, and discussion and debate of political issues |
1880-1900 |
Bigger and
faster presses are developed to print more copies of papers in less time
in order to meet tighter deadlines and serve the growing number of
Photographs begin to appear in newspapers
Number of African-American papers increases |
1890s |
Sensationalism, known as yellow journalism, is used to win papers more readers |
1893 |
Color is used for comics and other parts of Sunday editions |
1900-1925 |
Political cartoons offer commentary on the news in many newspapers |
1907-1909 |
United Press
Association and the International News Service compete with the
Associated Press in gathering news from around the world |
1917 |
Ethnic papers reach a peak with 1,323 foreign-language publications |
1910-1914 |
Number of newspapers in the United States reaches a high, with 2,600 dailies and about 14,000 weeklies published |
1920s |
Radio and movies begin to compete with newspapers and magazines for people’s time and attention
Many newspapers begin to include political columns |
1930s |
Personalized or “gossip” columns appear for the first time in papers
Picture magazines such as Life become extremely popular and provide greater opportunities for photojournalists |
1930s-1940s |
Newsreels shown at movie houses before or after the feature film offer a new view of the news |
1950s |
People begin to turn to television for the news |
1960s |
and alternative papers and magazines rebel against and criticize
established papers and the country’s political and social structure
Variety of newspapers serving the Latino community are founded |
1960-1990 |
reporters uncover information about the activities of the government and
other groups and offer interpretations of events and issues, such as
organized crime, the Pentagon Papers, Watergate, and Iran-contra |
1970s-1980s |
Computers begin to change the process of producing a newspaper |
1980s |
Number of daily
papers decreases because of increase in the price of newsprint and in
supply costs, rising pay, loss of advertising to television, and general
decline in advertising
Four press associations or news
agencies—the Associated Press, United Press International, Reuters, and
Agence France-Presse—provide more than 90 percent of all international
news |
1990 |
Newspaper groups
own most of the daily papers in the United States, with Gannett,
Knight-Ridder, Newhouse, New York Times, Dow Jones, and Thomson the five
largest groups, in terms of number of dailies owned |
1990s |
Reporters are able to file stories from around the world immediately using lap-top computers and modems or via satellite |